Salmon Wasabi Onigiri


Simply Onigiri funa dn creative recipes for Japanese rice ballsSalmon is possibly the most versatile ingredient when it comes to home cooking. You can use it for onigiri, cook it with egg, mix it in a potato salad, use it as a sandwich fi lling, etc. This onigiri is seasoned with mayonnaise and wasabi. You can omit wasabi if you are not a fan of it. Other variations used for onigiri fi lling is salmon fl akes mixed with avocado and mayonnaise or soy sauce and seven-spice seasoning (shichimi togarashi).

  • Yield: 4


  • 3 oz Salmon fi llet 1, about (70–80 g)
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Mayonnaise
  • 0.33 tsp Wasabi + more to garnish
  • 17 oz (480 g) Cooked Japanese short grain rice
  • 4 Nori seaweed sheets
How to Make It
  1. Season salmon with salt and grill in a frying pan on both sides for a couple of minutes. Remove from heat and remove skin and bones.
  2. Return salmon fillet to the pan and continue to cook over low heat. Use a pair of chopsticks to break salmon into pieces. Add a pinch of salt and set aside to cool.
  3. Mix 4 Tbsp salmon flakes with mayonnaise and wasabi. Adjust wasabi and/or salt to taste if necessary.
  4. To make onigiri, scoop one-quarter of the rice into a rice bowl. Make a 2-cm (1-in) indentation in the rice with your fi nger and add 2–3 tsp salmon mixture.
  5. Wet your hands and spread a pinch of salt on your palms and fingers. Transfer the rice to your hands and gently press rice 2–3 times into your preferred shape. Wrap nori around rice ball and dab some wasabi on top, if desired. Repeat with the remaining ingredients.

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