Eat the Week: Every meal, every dayThis is pretty much cheesy beans in a ciabatta – there’s always gonna be a day that’s right for. It’s super-simple and tastes so good. Perfect if you’re short of time but in need of something stodgy and filling.

  • Yield: 6 Servings
  • Preparation Time: 3 Minutes
  • Total Time: 10 Minutes


  • 2 bake-at-home ciabattas or other bread rolls
  • 14 oz (1 x 400 g) tin of baked beans in tomato sauce
  • good glug of Worcestershire sauce
  • sprinkle of chilli flakes
  • 3½ oz ½ cup (100 g) crumbled feta
  • 7 oz 2 cups (200 g) grated mature cheddar
How to Make It
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/gas mark 4).
  2. Take the ciabattas and make a small lengthways cut along the middle, being careful not to cut right through. The aim is to try and make as small a hole as possible, to try and keep all the melted cheese and runny beans in while they’re cooking.
  3. Mix the beans with the Worcestershire sauce, chilli flakes and some salt and pepper, stirring thoroughly.
  4. Distribute the feta and cheddar evenly between the ciabattas, stuffing the cheese in and spreading it out as best you can. Do the same with the baked beans, then transfer the cheesy bean ciabattas to a baking tray and bake for 7–10 minutes or until golden.

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